R4 Xcel Regionals - April 25-27, 2025
Madison, WisconsinCOMPETITION SITE
Alliant Energy Center
1919 Alliant Energy Center Way
Madison, WI 53713

In partner with Midwest Twisters

Coaches Information
Entries 2025
Register athletes and coaches on the USA Gym Reservation system.
Please go on to USA Gymnastics reservations system and register your Xcel Silver-Sapphire athletes who could qualify and are interested in attending Region 4 Championships in Madison, WI.
Also register all coaches that could possibly be attending. We know you may not know which coaches will be going but register all that could be coaching. There will be a $100 per coach onsite registration charge.
We will be using Meet Maker to process payments. If you do not have a MeetMaker account, please create one. You must have your USAG club number on Meet Maker so it can sync up to USA Gymnastics reservation system.
Entry fee is $110 per gymnast.
Entries after March 31, 2025 have $25 late fee.
Do NOT pay for your athletes now. Please wait until they qualify at your athletes at State meet. You MUST pay for your athletes on MeetMaker at your State meet.
The refund deadline is 2 weeks before Regionals as stated in the Region 4 R&P:
Refunds due to illness or injury will be awarded up to two weeks prior to start of the Regional Meet with appropriate physician note. Refund requests should be sent to RTCC and RWDPCC (DP Requests) or RTCC and RXCC (Xcel Requests).
Refund Date April 10, 2025
The athlete needs to have achieved those scores at State Meet at their current level.
- Xcel Sapphire: AA 33.50 IES 9.00
- Xcel Diamond: AA 33.50 IES 9.00
- Xcel Platinum: AA 33.50 IES 9.00
- Xcel Gold: AA 34.00 No IES
- Xcel Silver: AA 35.50 No IES
No IES will be allowed for SIlver and Gold for Xcel Regionals 2025. This was voted on at the April 11, 2024 board meeting.
Petition Form: USAG Petition Form
- Per USAG R&P you must notify RTCC and RWDPCC or RCXX of the intent to petition by the MONDAY after the state meet. All required paperwork must be submitted within 3 days of the completion of your State Meet. (By Wednesday following)
- Email the Petition form with a copy of your meet results to the appropriate chairperson.
- Xcel Petitions – Megan Bankole – RXCC Email Only – [email protected]
- Meet Director – Kathy Nelson – [email protected]
- Gymnasts wishing to petition must enter the Regional Championships at their State Meet with entry fee paid. It should be noted on the entry form that they are a Petition.
- If the Petition is not approved the entry fee will be refunded.

Other Information
Equipment: AAI Elite Equipment and boards at each event Modified Traditional.
Age Groups: They will be available prior to state meets and posted on the regional website.
USAG Cards: Coaches must be on their clubs roster. There will be a $100 per coach onsite registration charge.
Scores: Scores will be posted following completion of each session and available online.
Awards: Individual Event and All-Around awards will be presented to each Age Group following each competitive session. Xcel Regional Championships award 40% of participants of per USA R&P
Meet Info: [email protected]
Meet Directors: Kathy Nelson, Jack Nettesheim & Rick Nelson
Meet Format: Modified Capital Cup
Parent Information
MERCHANDISE: Visit the Gym Treasures booth to purchase your 2025 official Regional gear. Be sure to customize your apparel with some bling and many other options.
Pre Order Apparel: https://gymtreasures.chipply.
PARKING: Alliant Energy Center moves to cashless payment for parking fees, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, Google Pay, and Apple Pay are accepted at the gates.
Fees are currently $10.00 per car, per day. The daily parking fee allows same-day reentry with a parking ticket stub. The Alliant Energy Center has over 5,800 paved and lit parking spots onsite.

Make sure that your senior gets honored for their years of hard work and dedication. Please fill out the online form below.
MSN – Madison, WI
MKE – Milwaukee, WI
Host Hotels
We have contracted discount rates at mulitple hotels near the venue. Click below for information and to reserve a room.
Meet Schedule
Meet schedule will be posted here when available.
Athletes must qualify for Xcel Regionals at their Xcel State Meets. The last day to qualify is March 30, 2025. Age groups and sessions will be determined the week after the last State Meets. We hope to have a final schedule by April 4th.
Due to the number of pre-registered athletes, this is the tentative shedule.
- Silver: Friday-Sunday
- Gold: Friday-Sunday
- Platinum: Friday-Sunday
- Diamond: Friday-Saturday
- Sapphire: Friday
This is all the info we have until the schedule is final. We will not know when a specifc age athlete will be competing until after the State Meets are complete.